∫GoMovies Download Torrent Inglourious Basterds

- 2009
- Runtime 2h 33 Minute
- rating 8,8 / 10 Star
- info During World War II, Lt. Aldo Raine leads his squad of Jewish-American soldiers behind enemy lines in Nazi occupied France. Their job is simple: kill the enemy. They also have a particularly violent approach to what they do scalping their victims. Soon they are known and feared throughout the German army. In Paris, Shosanna runs a cinema and through a chance meeting with a German war hero, is selected to host the premiere of one of Dr. Josef Goebbels propaganda film. With all of the German high command scheduled to attend - including Hitler, Goering and Martin Bormann - it seems like the ideal opportunity for Lt. Raine and his men to bring the war to a quick end. Shosanna, who is Jewish and whose parents and siblings were killed before her eyes, also has her own plans for the evening"s festivities. When she realizes that the man who killed her family Colonel Hans Landa, known as the Jew Hunter, will also be there it makes her own plans complete
- Director Quentin Tarantino
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Pissed me off that half of the cream doesn"t even make it on the spoon with the second scoop at 3:26. Tarantino actually said he couldn"t kill Landa because of how precious the character was to him. It was so well written and alive and Waltz did an amazing job that no matter how bad the character was it must live on. Having strudel with the man that killed her family. Tarantino ur a genius. THE ENDING HAS ME IN LIMBO. WAS IT ACTUALLY REALITY OR WAS HE IN LIMBO. "Inglourious Basterds" is Quentin Tarantino. At his best? Perhaps.
It has in-your-face violence with left-field characters. I expected that, and I got that. I don"t like Tarantino because of the extreme violence and the absurdity of situations that his characters get themselves into. I am usually confident with my decisions to avoid his movies. But here, I became increasingly restless, with it being a comedy, starring Brad Pitt, and all of its award nominations, including Best Screenplay? What?
It"s one of those films that deserves its accolades, but it still doesn"t mean it"s good. I certainly didn"t like it, but I watched the full two and a half hours. It"s like a World War II epic, and told very slowly. But every time I had enough with a scene, Tarantino knew to switch up the narrative, so I kept watching. The story narratives changed often enough to keep me watching but not too often to get confusing. I will admit, that"s good writing.
I got frustrated with the characters because I didn"t know them well enough, but that is classic Tarantino. Violence, although necessary at times, was used way too heavily - again, that"s classic Tarantino. There was just no sign of comedy, maybe a few non-sense lines for humour, but come on, this is World War II. I"m not one for being offended, but I don"t find war particularly funny.
"Inglourious Basterds" is Quentin Tarantino mastering what he is good at. For those that like him, this is a quality film experience, but for others like me, just because you can sit through two and a half hours of torture, doesn"t mean it"s good.
With all that dialogue, the best line comes last, Paris when it sizzles. This movie is an historically inaccurate, piece of overly violent crap, with the same level of comedy that made Hogan"s Heroes a hit. There"s no god-damned way in the world that this should work.
But it does.
Inglourious Basterds one of the most compelling movies I"ve ever watched, but at the end of the day, it"s like a bucket of fried chicken from KFC, pretty goddamn tasty, but you just know it"s not good for you.
There are seminal films that change everything, and in the history of film, there are only really two, Birth of a Nation, and Citizen Kane that profoundly changed the medium.
Taratino has it in him to do the same, if he could only find a worthy subject and story. Inglorious Basterds isn"t it.
But it"s still a compelling film.
+ 1:11 hey it"s Shrek. Thats sad. Pretty sure he"s done this for other films, get people to say hello Sally! Bet she laughed all the time alone, up late hours editing footage. Rest in peace. 3:05 Harvey Weinstein"s chuckle when he locks that door, ladies... And like the snows of yesteryear, gone from this earth. Ennio Morricone is a genius. Hahaha once you get who Sally is its really quite endearing. Her death is such a shame.
Make it yourself like a good chap, will you? ??. Mike Myers is a rock star on screen when directors wise up and put him in a serious role like this one - even if it"s only for 5 minutes. I just saw Django Unchained (after I saw Inglorious Basterds of course) and this man he just simply devours both filmes in each scene he appears. I mean how many actors have you seen speaking English, French, German and Italian in one single movie? And all of them fluently? Christoph, you"re just incredible. You killed in both films and these 2 well deserved Oscars are the perfect proof of your genius.
Donny! expects to hear a deep, mean voice “yEaH?”. I love Quentin and Waltz. This must have made her job so much better. “And like the snows of yester year gone from this earth”. Naah i dont think so ????????. You know how you get to Carnegie Hall dontcha? Practice. How"s sally. For some reason, I didn"t expect Mike Meyers in this. Im i the only one who first watched it clapped when donny came out and was laughing along with everyone knowing this nazi prick was gonna take the swing from donny before it even happened.
Why emphasis on the cream? Does it have something to do with it not being kosher and she is a Jew. The dude is a legend his voice is just compelling I can listen to him talk everyday. I love the face Shoshanna makes when he orders her a glass of milk. Its this kind of “okay, so were doing this shit now?” face. Who"s Sally. I do not own nothing @Great cinematic Scenes, so you own everything.
Some of you might disagree but I think he knew who she really is. He told them the right numbers at 1:22:53. Man what a sexy gentleman there! With all due respect, Mr. Waltz.
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